The human brain is an impressive, intricate and delicate organ. Its neurons contain all of the information, preferences and memories that make us who we are. Our brains allow us to recall information we need at convenient times and help humans survive and thrive in hostile environments. However, the brain can easily end up injured, affecting its function and the abilities of the person involved.
A traumatic brain injury (TBI) can have a profound impact on the life and abilities of the injured person. Informing yourself about these injuries, as well as your rights to pursue compensation from the liable party, can help ensure you make the right choices in the wake of a serious injury.
There are many ways a person can suffer a TBI
Falls are a common way that people develop TBIs. It only takes a moment to slip on a wet floor and fall, striking your head on the way down. People can also suffer TBIs as a result of car crashes, whether they hit the windows or get thrown out of the vehicles. Even those who don’t strike their heads in collisions can end up with TBIs if the vehicles shake violently or roll.
Gunshots can also result in non-fatal TBIs. When a bullet penetrates the skull, it can do considerable damage to the brain tissue, affecting one region or areas all over the brain. Any kind of blunt or penetrating trauma to the head or skull, as well as violent shaking, can cause a TBI in otherwise healthy people. When someone else causes an accident, either through negligence or an illegal act, they can leave their victims with brain injuries that change their lives forever.
TBIs can impact every aspect of your life
For those living with TBIs, the severity and nature of the symptoms will depend on both the extent of the injuries and the parts of the brain that get damaged. Your brain controls everything about who you are and what you do. Motor function, speech and even your sense of humor are all managed by your brain.
After a TBI, people may experience a shift in mood or personality. They can develop issues with recalling old memories or making new ones. Some people experience compromised motor functions. Gross motor functions, like walking, as well as fine motor skills, e.g., holding a pencil, could change after a TBI.
These symptoms can persist for life, leaving people with TBIs unable to perform the same jobs they had before. It can even leave the victims unable to perform certain kinds of self-care. When someone causes a TBI due to an accident on unsafe premises, an assault or a car crash, the victim may have the right to seek compensation for medical costs and lost wages from the person responsible for the accident.