If you are facing charges and will go to trial, something to understand is how a jury is chosen and what you can do to help make the jurors see you in a positive light.
To begin with, Texas has specific qualifications jurors must meet. These include being at least 18 and a citizen of the United States. Jurors also have to be able to read and write English and should not be convicted of or under indictment or legal accusation of a felony or misdemeanor theft.
Jurors need to be residents of Texas and the summoning county. They also have to be of sound mind. They should have a history of good moral character.
Knowing these things, it’s possible for your attorney to go through the potential juror pool to see if anyone is disqualified. During the process of voir dire, your defense attorney, as well as prosecutors and judges, will look at the potential jurors and decide who will actually sit on the jury panel.
What does an attorney do when trying to help choose jurors?
During the jury selection process, your attorney will do all they can to make sure the jury is unbiased and impartial. They will ask the jurors questions about their prejudices and backgrounds. They may ask about their beliefs and if they are related to anyone in the case. This helps eliminate potential jurors who may be racist or who are related to those involved in the case.
Part of your criminal defense begins when the jury is selected. Making sure that you have the right to a fair trial among peers is a must.
What can you do to help make the strongest case in front of a jury?
Once the jury is selected, you may have a discussion with your attorney about the approach that might work best. Depending on how the jury reacts to certain approaches, such as being aggressive with facts or using emotion to get the jury to see things from your side, your attorney may adjust the way they present the case in court. Understanding the jury’s background and being able to “read” the way each person is responding to the case is essential.