Homicide And Capital Murder Defense
If you or a family member is facing a homicide charge in Texas, it would be impossible to overstate your need for highly qualified, trustworthy legal counsel. Whether the specific charge is capital murder, first-degree murder, attempted murder, manslaughter, vehicular or intoxication manslaughter, or criminally negligent homicide, prosecution will be extremely aggressive. Every aspect of your case matters, and every decision you make could prove pivotal.
Trial-Proven Advocacy For People Facing The Most Serious Felony Charges
Many criminal defense lawyers complete their entire careers without handling a murder case — much less trying such cases before juries. At Russell D. Hunt Sr., Attorney at Law, I are honored to represent citizens accused of the most serious felonies, and I do so with skill, passion and relentless determination.
Attorney Russell D. Hunt Sr. is a first chair-qualified capital murder defender, and is second chair-qualified at a point in her career when many other young attorneys are pursuing initial trial experience. Clients facing homicide/capital murder and other violent felony charges receive the full benefit of our combined efforts as a trial team. You can turn to us for:
- Rigorous investigation and analysis of all evidence and circumstances relevant to your case, including witness testimony and DNA testing or other physical evidence.
- Careful consideration of strategies centered on self-defense or the need to protect others, mistaken identity, lack of competency and potential violations of your constitutional rights.
- Presentation of complex psychological or psychiatric evidence, work with mitigation specialists, and the development of mitigation evidence.
- Clear, honest guidance on the strength of the prosecution’s case against you and factors to consider when deciding whether to pursue a jury trial or plea negotiations.
Portraying The Human Factor
When citizens must confront the prospect of the death penalty, life in prison or other catastrophic consequences, cutting corners is not an option. You deserve intently focused, passionate protection of your rights by attorneys who pour all their professional energies into high-level criminal defense.
In all of our cases, I strive to present our clients to prosecutors, judges and juries as fellow human beings worthy of meaningful consideration. In capital cases, the presentation of evidence and humanization of our clients are key components in saving the life of our client. Death penalty work requires critical thinking and detailed preparation and planning. More importantly, death penalty work has shaped Russ and into attorneys who understand how to delve into the depths of each client’s past, present and future to develop his or her human story.
Contact Us For Help Protecting Your Rights
For immediate attention to your homicide defense needs in the Waco area or elsewhere in Central Texas, please call us at 254-304-6354 or email us now. I will provide a free initial consultation to begin exploring your case and legal options you may have.