Resolving Criminal Charges Through Pretrial Intervention Programs
Pretrial intervention programs offer defendants chances to resolve criminal charges through positive action rather than through confrontation with a prosecutor. College and university students often quality for, and take good advantage of, pretrial intervention programs. The same is true of people of all walks of life.
Pretrial intervention programs offer defendants chances to resolve criminal charges outside the court system. Young college and university students often make good candidates for this type of program. People with no previous criminal history who are in a certain professions that would be negatively impacted by a criminal conviction also make good candidates for this type of program.
If you hope to participate in a pretrial intervention program, you need an attorney to make your case and advocate on your behalf. Not every defendant who applies gets in. It is a process that requires us as defense lawyers to gather quite a bit of documentation to present to a prosecutor.
What The Pretrial Diversion Program Is Not
This program does not entail:
- Probation
- Community supervision
- Reports to probation officers
- Travel restrictions
What The Pretrial Diversion Program Requires
If you participate in this program, you may be asked to fulfill one or more of the following:
- Community service
- Alcohol, drug or educational life skills classes
- Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) attendance
- Psychological treatment or counseling
- Interlock breath device installation on your vehicle at your expense
- Handheld breath test device usage at your expense
- Urinalysis on a regular basis
- Payment of program fees
- Payment of restitution
- Abstinence from alcohol during the term of the agreement
- No violations of the law during the term of the agreement
When you have completed the program, you will submit documentation to the pretrial intervention office or to your criminal defense lawyer, who will then submit it for you.
A person who is accepted into the pretrial intervention program signs an agreement with the McLennan County District Attorney’s Office to abide by certain terms, and upon successful completion of the agreement, the case is refused and dismissed. The person will not have a conviction for that offense so long as they successfully complete the pretrial program. The person may also be eligible for an expunction to potentially clear the arrest off of their record after a waiting period.
We Are Here To Help You Through A Pretrial Intervention Program
Please call 254-304-6354 or contact us online to set up an appointment to visit or Russ in the office to get your questions answered about the pretrial intervention application process. Ask us to send you a preliminary checklist as soon as possible. The earlier you can provide us the required and optional information, the greater chances you will have to take full advantage of this option.