What is gunshot detection technology? It’s a system that uses acoustic sensors in targeted areas that automatically detect and record gunfire. Once detected, the system alerts the police, who respond to the scene of suspected firearm activity.
The Waco Police Department is actively seeking to implement a gunshot detection system to combat gun violence. However, there is a risk that such technology could compromise people’s rights, perhaps even leading to false weapons or other charges.
What should Texas residents know?
According to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), gunshot detection systems have several “deep problems.” For example, ShotSpotter, a widely used program, has been the subject of debate about its effectiveness and impact on communities.
Reportedly, ShotSpotter evidence was essential in wrongfully incarcerating a Chicago man on murder charges. He spent a year behind bars before prosecutors finally dismissed the case due to a lack of additional evidence.
Gunshot detection systems can harm residents in other ways. For example, they can increase the police presence in neighborhoods that already receive more than their fair share of scrutiny.
Why is this important?
The risk of wrongful arrests on weapons or violent crime charges may increase for residents if Waco succeeds in implementing a gunshot detection system. Do not let supposed evidence gathered through slick-sounding technology and software scare out of mounting a defense. Growing awareness of the problems with these systems can benefit defendants.
First, knowing about false positives may help developers refine their gunshot detection programs. Second, it may teach police officers to seek additional evidence before making an arrest. Third, it can help defendants avoid an unwarranted conviction by calling out ineffective police technology. Of course, having experienced guidance can also help you if you’re facing charges based on evidence obtained with a gunshot detection system.