Are you eligible for a pretrial diversion program?

Being charged with a crime can be a complex and emotional experience. A conviction of criminal charges can severely impact your livelihood and future.

In some cases, Texas courts offer the option of enrolling in a pretrial diversion program, which can be a valuable alternative to traditional court proceedings.

Eligibility criteria

Texas’ pretrial diversion programs are designed to provide certain non-violent offenders with an alternative to the criminal justice system by meeting the following objectives:

  • Prevent future criminal activity and promote rehabilitation among certain individuals by guiding them toward community supervision and support services, such as mental health and substance abuse treatment.
  • Prevent overburdening the legal and penal system
  • Provide a way to make restitution to the victims

To be considered eligible for a pretrial diversion program in Texas, specific criteria need to be met, such as:

  1. It’s a first offense
  2. It was a non-violent offense
  3. You have no gang affiliation

Participating in a pretrial diversion program in Texas can offer several benefits for eligible individuals, including:

  • Successful program completion may result in charges being dismissed or expunged from the individual’s record, preventing the negative consequences of a criminal conviction.
  • Participants have access to support services, counseling, and resources aimed at addressing underlying issues, behavioral patterns, or substance abuse challenges.
  • Programs promote community reintegration by encouraging accountability, restitution to victims, and engagement in activities that support positive behavior change.
  • Enrollment in a pretrial intervention program may lead to reduced court costs, fines, or penalties compared to traditional court proceedings.

If you are a first-time offender of a non-violent crime, it’s essential to discuss your situation with someone who can assess your case, explain your options and guide you through the application process. Understanding the requirements and expectations and the adverse outcomes of failing to complete a pretrial diversion program is crucial to making an informed decision.


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